Well, summer is officially here; I had my last final yesterday afternoon and am all unpacked at home. These days, though, it's hard for me to know what to think about summer. Like any kid, I used to be ecstatic about summer as a time to play with friends and celebrate our freedom from the tyranny of schoolwork. This summer most of my friends seem to be out of town and I'm honestly struggling to figure out what to do with no schoolwork, but I fear not, because I know what I'm doing with this summer!
From June 11th to August 7th, I'll be on a missional project in inner city Milwaukee, sharing the gospel and helping people. There are a lot of blanks to fill in as to how I'll be filling 8 or so weeks, but I'm excited to have God work through me like never before. Summer projects are pretty big with Campus Crusade for Christ and are constantly described as truly life-changing experiences. So while I'm nervous about the challenges I'll face, I'm pretty excited for the whole life-changing part.
So before you ask what I'll be doing with my summer, hopefully by some miraculous stroke of luck you will read my blog and learn that I shall be in Milwaukee! Sadly, the project leadership is pretty adamant about me staying for the whole thing; one of the hard parts of the project is all the stuff I'll miss, including my family's yearly vacation to Maine and my old Bible study leader and dear friend's wedding. I'm trusting it will be worth it.
More meditations are likely to come as I spend time preparing for this undertaking.
Liberal Theology and the Future
15 hours ago
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